Device Control#

This example application demonstrates how to use device control over USB and I2C.

Deploying the firmware with Linux or macOS#

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the xcore_iot root folder to build the firmware:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
make example_freertos_device_control

Running the firmware#

From the build folder run:

make run_example_freertos_device_control

Debugging the firmware with xgdb#

From the build folder run:

make debug_example_freertos_device_control

Building the host application#

With the firmware running in its own terminal, in a new window, run the following commands in the xcore_iot root folder to build the host app:

cmake -B build_host
cd build_host
make example_freertos_device_control_host

Running the host application#

From the xcore_iot/build_host/examples/freertos/device_control/host folder run:

./example_freertos_device_control_host -g test_cmd

Deploying the firmware with Windows#

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the xcore_iot root folder to build the firmware:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
nmake example_freertos_device_control

Running the firmware#

From the build folder run:

nmake run_example_freertos_device_control

Debugging the firmware with xgdb#

From the build folder run:

nmake debug_example_freertos_device_control

Building the host application#

With the firmware running in its own terminal, in a new window, run the following commands in the xcore_iot root folder to build the host app:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B build_host
cd build_host
nmake example_freertos_device_control_host

Running the host application#

From the xcore_iot/build_host/examples/freertos/device_control/host folder run:

example_freertos_device_control_host.exe -g test_cmd

Verifying a successful build#

After running the host application, you should see the following output in your console:

Command test_cmd sent with resid 3
Bytes received are: