Audio Mux#

This example application can be configured for onboard mic, USB audio, or i2s input. Outputs are USB audio and I2S. No DSP is performed on the audio, but the example contains an empty 2 tile pipeline skeleton for a user to populate. In this example all USB audio endpoints are sychronous.

Preparing the host#

On Linux and macOS the user may need to update their udev rules for USB configurations. Add a custom udev rule for USB device with VID 0x20B1 and PID 0x0021.

Deploying the firmware with Linux or macOS#

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the repository root folder.

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
make example_audio_mux

Running the firmware#

Run the following commands in the build folder.

make run_example_audio_mux

Debugging the firmware with xgdb#

Run the following commands in the build folder.

make debug_example_audio_mux

Deploying the firmware with Windows#

Building the firmware#

Run the following commands in the repository root folder.

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=xmos_cmake_toolchain/xs3a.cmake
cd build
nmake example_audio_mux

Running the firmware#

Run the following commands in the build folder.

nmake run_example_audio_mux

Debugging the firmware with xgdb#

Run the following commands in the build folder.

nmake debug_example_audio_mux